‘Egypt’s transitions begins-Barack Obama’ an article from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-12437116 is worth reading because praises the anti-Mubarak protesters of Egypt, while also throwing in a hint of future foreign affairs. The beginning few lines of the article focuses on how President Barack Obama is demanding that the Egyptian military to lift the emergency law in order to beginning shifting attention to “free and fair” voting. Egyptian citizens are now living under a military government, which by the way, is primarily funded by American dollars. This article is worth reading because it shows the US government’s involvement in foreign affairs. Understanding the impact America will be making in Egyptian politics is important to understand because the US government is notorious for stepping in taking over a vulnerable government while employing the great ideal of “democracy.”
The people have gotten what they wanted. It's sad to know that they have to fight so hard to get rid of a leader that they call a dictator and a tyrant.While we may disgree with the interference of the US government,it is a necessary evil,as many were calling for the US' input.